Jewelbox at Orbion
Born of a desire to bring world class, experiential entertainment to an audience in an underserved market, this live performance venue was imagined as a performance venue unlike anything ever created for the people of Russia.

The rich Russian history of dance, gymnastics, circus performance and theatrical production are here married to the prominent Russian legacy of exploration of dynamic tectonic form. This project explores the opportunity to simultaneously celebrate and reframe this rich cultural history. Thru this weaving, the design aspires to realize a new type of space for performance: both strongly defined but open to possibility.
At the heart of this project is a reimagined quintessential black box theatre—transformed via engaging permutations of flexibility and adaptation to theatrical possibilities and site opportunities. The black box captivates the imagination of those within and captures space for performance. In our design proposal, the performance space pushes further, allowing itself both to capture light and draw a constructed landscape within the box. The performance emerges into the light and spaces beyond its boundaries.

The project is the first component in a larger development sited along a main highway and commuter train line radiating west from the center of Moscow. The black box theatre forms both an architectural and landscape center of gravity for this new development, drawing visitors from the nearby commuter hub thru a constructed landscape terminating at the black box
Approach from Moscow
The approach from Moscow reveals views and terraces that open toward the city. The building’s opaque-glass skin allows it to transform from day to night by utilizing projection mapping. The projected images and videos create a living building skin that calls attention from the transit corridors that surround the site.

The space of performance spills out of the black box and allows the lobby, plaza, and landscape to all become activated by performance.

The building also acts as a supporting structure to allow large music events and outdoor festivals to occur on site.